With how accessible the internet is today, would you believe us if we told you the number of people who go online every day is still increasing? It’s true. And not surprisingly, the amount of time they spend online is increasing too. This is where digital marketing comes in.

Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Today, that means you need to meet them where they are already spending a considerable amount of their time: on the internet.

Now, enter digital marketing — in other words, any form of marketing (not just your website) that exists online. The real difference between marketing and digital marketing is with digital marketing, you connect with and influence those customers exclusively online. Here’s an example.

It starts with a simple Google Search that leads them to your high ranking website (because it’s optimized for visibility). From there, a customer might spend time reading your newsworthy blog or watching an explainer video. This is good! You’ve caught their attention, and as they move down the purchasing funnel, you find them liking, following, and interacting with your brand on Facebook, Instagram, and other social platforms. And finally, checking out some digital reviews before they purchase.

It’s easy to see that no matter the industry you’re in, it’s important to have a highly visible digital presence across platforms – perhaps more so now than ever before. But with so many different platforms and tools to utilize, it’s hard to know where to start. That’s where a digital marketing agency can help you develop a strong strategy that will target the right audience for your business. In addition to all of the benefits, you can track the results of digital marketing efforts with accuracy, so it’s easy to see which strategies are producing profitable results and which ones need a little TLC.

At Hopscotch Marketing, we have a dedicated team of industry professionals with specialized expertise that can help you accomplish all of this to meet your specific business goals and objectives. If you’re looking to amplify your digital presence, reach out today to schedule a discovery call!